On-Premise Setup

This documentation describes Heartex platform version 1.0.0, which is no longer supported. For information about on-premises setup and installation of Label Studio Enterprise Edition, the equivalent of Heartex platform version 2.0.x, see Install Label Studio Enterprise on-premises using Docker.

If you need to meet strong privacy regulations, legal requirements, or you want to make a custom installation within your infrastructure or any public cloud (AWS, Google, Azure, etc.), Heartex works on-premises. It is a self-contained version (no Internet connection is required) of the Platform, no data will leave your infrastructure. To make the installation the most accessible, we offer a Docker image.


Heartex backend stack consists of multiple components, each of them deployed as an isolated Docker containers. The main components are:



The main backend server. All processes are managed by the supervisor that takes care of:


Proxy web server for serving incoming requests and static files (js/css scripts and media)


PostgreSQL database as principal data storage

Current supported PostgreSQL version is 11.5


Redis server for keeping background jobs and temporary data

System requirements

Platform requirements

Your system must have installed:

Warning: The running docker host must have the vm.max_map_count setting variable to be at least greater than 262144. You can check the value by running: sysctl vm.max_map_count. If it is too low, set the value by running: sudo sysctl -q -w vm.max_map_count=262144.

Installation using Docker

Platform deployment

Step 1: Pull the latest image

Your organization should be authorized to use Heartex images. Please contact us to receive an auth token.

1.1. Setup docker login:

docker login --username heartexlabs

You will be asked to enter the password, enter the token here. If Login Succeeded, there will be created ~/.docker/config.json with auth settings.

1.2 Pull the latest Heartex image:

docker pull heartexlabs/heartex:latest

Note: In some cases, you need to use sudo mode.

Step 2: Get the license file

You have to obtain license.txt file to get docker running. Please contact us if you haven’t it yet. Create a working directory e.g. heartex:

mkdir -p heartex
cd heartex

Be sure to store your license file at heartex/license.txt.

Step 3: Quick start using docker-compose

Note: This step is optional only if you are planning to run Platform in a development mode. If you want to connect Platform to the external PostgreSQL and Redis servers, go immediately to the next step.

If you are planning to run Platform for development purposes, you can start using it with local PostgreSQL and Redis servers.

3.1. Be sure you have docker-compose command installed on your system.

3.2. Create configuration file heartex/config.yml with the following content:

version: '3'

    image: postgres:11.5
    hostname: db
    restart: always
      - ./postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - ./logs:/var/log/heartex
      - 5432:5432
    image: heartexlabs/heartex:latest
    container_name: heartex
      - ./license.txt:/heartex/label_studio_enterprise/htx/settings/license_docker.txt
      - HEARTEX_HOSTNAME=http://localhost:8080
      - POSTGRE_NAME=postgres
      - POSTGRE_USER=postgres
      - POSTGRE_PORT=5432
      - POSTGRE_HOST=db
      - REDIS_LOCATION=redis:6379
    command: ["./deploy/wait-for-postgres.sh", "db", "supervisord"]
      - 8080:8080
      - redis
      - db
      - redis
    image: redis:5.0.6-alpine
    hostname: redis
      - "./redis-data:/data"
      - 6379:6379

3.3. Start all servers using docker-compose

docker-compose -f config.yml up

Note: Don’t forget about other services running on the ports: 5432, 6379, 8080. Modify “-ports:” for db, heartex or redis in config.yml if they interfere.

3.4. Open http://localhost:8080 in a browser.

Data persistence

When the Heartex server is running via docker-compose, all essential data is stored inside the container.
The following local file storages are linked to container’s volumes to ensure data persistence:

The integrity of these folders ensures that your data is not lost even if you completely stop and remove all running containers and images.

Note that ./postgres-data files are specific to PostgreSQL version.

Current supported PostgreSQL version is 11.5.

Step 4: Start using Docker

In case you are going to scale Platform to production deployment, you’ll probably need to link external databases and services. Bellow are hands-on steps to set up the most important settings:

4.1 Create file heartex/env.list with environmental variables list:

# The main server URL (should be full path like protocol://host:port)

# Auxiliary hostname URL: some platform functionality requires URIs generation with specified hostname, 
# in case HEARTEX_HOSTNAME is not accessible from server side, use this variable to specify server host

# PostgreSQL database name

# PostgreSQL database user

# PostgreSQL database password

# PostgreSQL database host

# PostgreSQL database port

# PostgreSQL SSL mode (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/libpq-ssl.html)

# Specify Postgre SSL certificate

# Redis location e.g. rediss://[:password]@localhost:6379/1

# Redis database

# Redis password

# Redis socket timeout

# Use Redis SSL connection

# Require certificate

# Specify Redis SSL certificate

LDAP authentication setup

You can setup LDAP auth and assign LDAP users to one platform’s organization via docker environment variables. Here is an working example:


# Group parameters

# Populate the user from the LDAP directory, values below are set by default 

# Specifity organization to assign on the platform 

# Advanced options, read more about options and values here: 
# https://www.python-ldap.org/en/latest/reference/ldap.html#options

For test login use guest1 with password guest1password.

4.2. When all variables are set, run docker exposing 8080 port:

docker run -d \
-p 8080:8080 \
--env-file env.list \
-v `pwd`/license.txt:/heartex/label_studio_enterprise/htx/settings/license_docker.txt \
-v `pwd`/logs:/var/log/heartex \
-v `pwd`/postgre-ca-bundle.pem:/etc/ssl/certs/postgre-ca-bundle.pem \
-v `pwd`/redis-ca-bundle.pem:/etc/ssl/certs/redis-ca-bundle.pem \
--name heartex \

Note: If you expose 80 port, you need to start docker with sudo.

Health check

You can check if Platform is available by sending requesting to the /health URL:

$ curl http://localhost:8080/health
{"status": "UP"}

Also, you can access the empty metric page with 200 status code if everything is ok:

$ curl http://localhost:8080/metrics

Updating server

Getting docker version

To check the version of Heartex Platform, run docker ps on the host.

Run the following command as root or by using the sudo command

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                        COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
b1dd57a685fb        heartexlabs/heartex:latest   "./deploy/start.sh"      36 minutes ago      Up 36 minutes>8000/tcp   heartex

The docker version number is visible in the Image column, e.g., heartexlabs/heartex:latest has an image of version tagged latest

Creating a backup

You need to create a backup version of the current container if the update procedure does not complete successfully or if you decide to rollback your Heartex server.

The docker stop command stops the currently running heartex container:

docker stop heartex

The following command renames the current heartex container to avoid name conflicts during the update procedure:

docker rename heartex heartex-backup

Pulling a new image

docker pull heartexlabs/heartex:latest

Updating current container

docker run -d \
-p $EXPOSE_PORT:8080 \
-v `pwd`/license.txt:/heartex/label_studio_enterprise/htx/settings/license_docker.txt \
-v `pwd`/logs:/var/log/heartex \
-v `pwd`/postgre-ca-bundle.pem:/etc/ssl/certs/postgre-ca-bundle.pem \
-v `pwd`/redis-ca-bundle.pem:/etc/ssl/certs/redis-ca-bundle.pem \
--name heartex \

Restoring the previous version

If for whatever reason, you decide to keep using the old version, you just need to stop and remove the new heartex container.

docker stop heartex && docker rm heartex

Now, rename the heartex-backup to heartex and start it.

docker start heartex-backup

Installation on AWS Private Cloud

You can deploy to your own private cloud with all necessary components provided by Amazon AWS services. The bundle comes with the following configuration for the Amazon services:

Deployment scripts are distributed as terraform configuration files (.tf). Before you start, please download and install the terraform package for your operating system and architecture. Recommended terraform versions: v0.12.18


Create root user

To start, you might have to create an initial root user with all the required permissions for deploying AWS components. Skip this step if you have an active AWS profile with full administrative access.

Go to user/ directory and modify user.tf parameters if necessary:

locals {
  user_name   = "heartex-production"
  policy_name = "heartex-production"
  bucket_name = "heartex-terraform-state" // S3 bucket name used to store terraform state

Then initializate an run terraform inside that directory:

terraform init
terraform apply

If terminated successfully, you’ll see the following output:

Apply complete! Resources: 6 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


iam_access_key_id = AKIAAWSACCESSKEYID
iam_access_key_secret = 9FaIL7Eza8mAwSsEcReTAcCeSsKeY

Store user credentials within your local environment under specific AWS named profile. For example, append

aws_access_key_id = AKIAAWSACCESSKEYID
aws_secret_access_key = 9FaIL7Eza8mAwSsEcReTAcCeSsKeY

to the ~/.aws/credentials file and switch profile by setting export AWS_PROFILE=heartex-production. Read more about how to configure AWS client in your local environment.


Go to cd envs/production and open main.tf. Make modifications under locals section related to your private cloud settings.

Note: Get your AWS account ID by calling aws sts get-caller-identity

locals {
  stack_name           = "heartex-production"
  aws_region           = "us-west-1"
  aws_profile          = "heartex-production"
  public_dns_namespace = "my.heartex.com"
  account_id           = "490012345678" // your AWS account ID

  images          = ["webapp"]
  image_webapp    = "${local.account_id}.dkr.ecr.${local.aws_region}.amazonaws.com/${local.aws_profile}/webapp:latest"

  vpc_cidr_block     = ""
  cidrsubnet_newbits = 8

  bucket_name = "heartex-bucket" // S3 storage for internal use

  node_type = "cache.t2.micro" 

  allocated_storage = 5
  user_name         = "postgres" // DB user name
  storage_type      = "gp2" // Storage type: Standart, «gp2» (general-purpose SSD) or «io1» (SSD IOPS)
  instance_class    = "db.t2.micro"  // DB instance type (https://aws.amazon.com/ru/rds/instance-types/)

  licence_file_path = "${path.root}/license.txt"

  // Additional parameters
  redis_ssl           = 0
  redis_ssl_cert_reqs = "required"
  // ...



Make sure you have a valid license file placed near main.tf, i.e. envs/production/license.txt is an actual license.

Terraform initialization

Before deploying all modules with terraform, you need to initialize terraform state:

terraform init

Create deploy user

Create IAM role that will be used solely for pushing & updating new images.

terraform apply -target module.iam

Keep output credentials for:

Create container registry

Create ECR where webapp images will be stored:

terraform apply -target module.ecr

If everything is going OK you’ll see the following console outputs:

ecr_repository_urls = {
  "webapp" = "490012345678.dkr.ecr.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/heartex-production/webapp"
iam_access_key_maintainer_id = AKIAXEGRLHACCESSKEYID
iam_access_key_maintainer_secret = mrKlneaqzXVcFKlTSECrEtAcCeSsKeY

The created repository URL will be used later for making updates and pushing new webapp versions.

Upload images

Before proceed, created registry should be populated with actual images. Make sure you have the latest Heartex webapp docker image, then run:

docker tag <image name:version> 490012345678.dkr.ecr.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/heartex-production/webapp
docker push 490012345678.dkr.ecr.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/heartex-production/webapp

Configure DNS

Create a managed DNS service with a public URL specify by "public_dns_namespace" parameter:

terraform apply -target module.route53

The output contains name servers records that could be used to configure DNS.

route53_zone_name_servers = [

Deploy remaining modules

Run the following command to deploy all remaining services (the process takes around 10 minutes)

terraform apply

Note: In case an error happens Error: Error describing created certificate: Expected certificate to be issued but was in state PENDING_VALIDATION try to restart deployment later. This error might be caused of invalid DNS servers which take some time to be updated with the newest records.

Make updates

Heartex team keeps client’s ECR service updated with the latest images with proper namings like heartexlabs/heartex:<version-tag>.

Updating your production to the new image version is done via blue/green deployment:

aws --region <selected-region> lambda invoke --function-name <chosen-stack-name>-deploy --payload '{"service": "webapp", "image": "<image-name-with-proper-version-tag>"}' result.json && cat result.json| jq .

Remove private cloud

Destroy all created services:

terraform destroy