
Choices tag, create a group of choices, radio, or checkboxes. Shall
be used for a single or multi-class classification.


Param Type Default Description
name string name of the group
toName string name of the element that you want to label
[choice] single | single-radio | multiple single single or multi-class
[showInline] boolean false show items in the same visual line
[required] boolean false validation if choice has been selected
[requiredMessage] string message to show if validation fails
[visibleWhen] region-selected | choice-selected | no-region-selected show the contents of a view when condition is true
[whenTagName] string narrow down visibility by name of the tag, for regions use the name of the object tag, for choices use the name of the choices tag
[whenLabelValue] string narrow down visibility by label value
[whenChoiceValue] string narrow down visibility by choice value
[perRegion] boolean use this tag for region labeling instead of the whole object labeling


  <Choices name="gender" toName="txt-1" choice="single-radio">
    <Choice alias="M" value="Male" />
    <Choice alias="F" value="Female" />
  <Text name="txt-1" value="John went to see Marry" />